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Introducing Humber Libraries' Academic Integrity and Citation Awareness Module

by Valerie Benigno on 2023-05-08T12:23:00-04:00 in News Spotlight | 0 Comments



Humber Libraries has developed a self-paced Academic Integrity and Citation Awareness Module. The accessible and multimodal module takes an educative approach to academic integrity. It engages learners with scenarios, activities, and videos that introduce the values and practices of academic integrity. Faculty are welcome to link to or embed this module in Blackboard course sites using the Instructor's Guide, which details two options: one with, and one without, a certificate of completion. The module takes less than an hour to complete.

After completing this tutorial, students will be able to: 

  • Recognize the importance of academic integrity when engaging in scholarly work 

  • Recall the fundamental values of academic integrity 

  • Identify and describe different forms of academic misconduct 

  • Recall expectations related to citation and practical strategies for avoiding academic misconduct 

  • Identify additional citation resources and research support available through Humber Libraries 

We welcome your questions and feedback at  

The Academic Integrity and Citation Awareness Module was created by Christopher Rugo, Caleb Domsy, and Najeeb Ahmed.

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