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Social Service Worker

What is an Annotative Bibliography

An annotated bibliography gives an account of the research that has been done on a given topic. Like any bibliography, an annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of research sources. In addition to citations, an annotated bibliography provides a concise summary of each source and some assessment of its value or relevance. Depending on your assignment, an annotated bibliography may be one stage in a larger research project, or it may be an independent project standing on its own (Deborah Knott, New College Writing Centre).


  • Includes a list of citations to books, articles and documents
  • Underneath each citation is a brief description and evaluative paragraph about the research article or book. 
  • Informs the reader of the relevance, accuracy and quality of the sources cited. 
  • Organized alphabetically by citation. 

Explore examples of Annotated Bibliographies from the University of Toronto and University of Guelph Writing Centres.

Searching Page 1+ for Books and Peer-Reviewed Articles

Humber Libraries' Page 1+ search is a broad, multidisciplinary search tool - think of it as a "Google" search for the library.

With Page 1+ you can:

  • Search for books, articles and more all from the same search box;
  • Search a wide range of article databases from one place;
  • Filter your results by content type, library location, subject terms or date.
  • Easily limit your searches to full-text articles or peer-reviewed journals.

Start your search with Page 1+ at

View the video below for a demonstration of how to find books, peer reviewed articles and more at Humber Libraries. 

Finding Government Agencies, Publications and Reports

What are government publications?

Government publications are normally found on the website of a specific department of the Government. When possible perform the search on the department's website. Some departments have their own searchable catalogues while other departments may just have a list of current publications. Methods of searching for Canadian Government Documents can include: 

Finding Social Service Agency Publications

What is a social service agency?

  • Social service agencies serve specific populations of people within the social service sector.
  • Generate and publish reports based on their specific service and sector

How to find social service agency publications

  • Find a social service agency and look for a an area on their website named "Resources," "Publications", or "Reports"
  • Browse for annual reports as well as brochures, newsletters, etc. 
  • Read mission / vision statements to learn about the agency

Directories and Databases: 

  • Use the Library's Canada Commons database to find government, organization and think-tank publications, policy and reports on a wide variety of topics and issues. It also includes a 4150 directory of Canadian research and government organizations.
  • Use Toronto 211 to find relevant Toronto agencies
  • Use Ontario 211  to find relevant Ontario agencies. 

Finding Position Papers

What are Position Papers? 

  • Reports outlining someone's attitude or intentions regarding a particular matter.
  • Published by service organizations, advocacy groups and coalitions to generate support on an issue.

Tips for Finding Position Papers:

  • Include the phrase "position paper" in a search.
    • Example: "position paper" poverty

Not sure where to start looking?
