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Social Service Worker

Key Databases

Explore our Social Science databases to find journal articles and more for your research assignments. 

Finding Government Agencies, Publications and Reports

What are government publications?

Government publications are normally found on the website of a specific department of the Government. When possible perform the search on the department's website. Some departments have their own searchable catalogues while other departments may just have a list of current publications. Methods of searching for Canadian Government Documents can include: 

Try using a Google Advanced Search. 

  • Search your topic with the appropriate keywords [ie: refugees and housing]
  • Limit your search to the site domain:
  • Note: You may also want to narrow your date to publications from the last few years

Example Google Advanced search: 

Finding Position Papers

What are Position Papers? 

  • Reports outlining someone's attitude or intentions regarding a particular matter.
  • Published by service organizations, advocacy groups and coalitions to generate support on an issue.

Not sure where to start looking for organizations? 

Tips for Finding Position Papers:

  • Include the phrase "position paper" in a search engine.
    • Example: "position paper" (canada OR ontario OR toronto) poverty
  • Try using a Google Advanced Search. 
    • Search for "position paper" [and your topic]
    • Try limiting to a document type [.pdf] OR try limiting your search to a site domain [ie: .org] 
    • Note: You may also want to narrow your date to publications from the last few years.

Example Google Advanced search: 






Finding Social Service Agency Publications

What is a social service agency?

  • Social service agencies serve specific populations of people within the social service sector.
  • Generate and publish reports based on their specific service and sector

How to find social service agency publications

  • Find a social service agency and look for a an area on their website named "Resources," "Publications", or "Reports"
  • Browse for annual reports as well as brochures, newsletters, etc. 
  • Read mission / vision statements to learn about the agency


Library Database: 

Use the Library's Canada Commons database to find government, organization and think-tank publications, policy and reports on a wide variety of topics and issues. It also includes a 4150 directory of Canadian research and government organizations. 


Current News Collections

Search Tips!

Choose keywords carefully

  • Choose words specific to your topic
  • Only use 2 or 3 main concepts
  • Use AND to combine different concepts

Include synonyms

  • Broaden your search
  • Include medical and popular terminology
  • Use OR to combine synonyms for the same concept

Filter your results

  • Publication date - for example only items published in the past 5 years
  • Resource type - for example only journal articles

Keep trying

  • Add/remove search terms to limit/expand your search
  • Try different databases
  • Research often takes longer than expected