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General APA Citation Help

Visit our APA page for tips on citing sources (including academic articles, books, images, websites, social media, films, etc.) and formatting documents properly in APA.


Citing non-traditional sources

Citing Non-traditional Sources

The APA manual does not outline how to cite these business reports, so the citation recommendations below were created based on a consensus of college and university Library websites.

Remember: the key to a good citation is to give enough details that the reader can find the information themselves.

Vividata in APA

Vividata Table

The tables you generate in Vividata do not have titles. In APA, if no title is present, you can write your own title that describes the table for the reader. An example of using a column title is given in the reference list citation below.  If you have more than one variable as a column, title your table to to best describe the information you are trying to discover.  Pull the date from the top of the Excel sheet you exported from Vividata.

In-text Citation

(Vividata, 2021)

References List

Vividata. (2021). Energy/Sport Drinks-Personally drank In past 6 months [Data set].

Multiple Tables

If you are citing in text from more than one table, identify each table by year and letter. Use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year.  The a, b, c, etc. are determined by the alphabetical order of the title of the table. 

MarketLine Reports in APA

MarketLine Company Profile or Industry Profile


(MarketLine, 2021)

Reference list

MarketLine. (2021, April 20). Banks in Canada.

IBISWorld Industry Reports in APA

IBISWorld Industry Report


In-text (find the author's name on the, "About this Industry" page)

(McGrath , 2021)

Reference list

McGrath, S.  (2021, October). Scheduled air transportation in Canada: IBISWorld industry report 48111CA.

Passport Reports in APA

Passport Industry Report


(Euromonitor International, 2021)

Reference list

Euromonitor International. (2021, December). Designer apparel and footwear (ready-to-wear) in Canada: Country report.


Multiple Reports
If you are citing in-text from more than one report, identify each report by year and letter. Use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year to order the entries in the reference list in alphabetical order by report title. Use the lower-case letters with the year in the in-text citation.

Statistics Canada in APA

Statistics Canada Examples

Statistics Canada provides detailed citation information below their data tables, but it is not in APA format. The citation examples below are an educated guess at citing Statistics Canada in APA style.

Citing Toronto's Census Profile


(Statistics Canada, 2017, Census Profile)

Reference list

Statistics Canada. (2017). Toronto, C [Census subdivision], Ontario and Toronto, CDR [Census division], Ontario (table). Census Profile ​(Catalogue no. 98-316-X2016001). Retrieved July 3, 2018 from 


Citing a data table featuring data from the Survey of household spending


(Statistics Canada, n.d., Table 11-10-0222-01)

Reference list

Statistics Canada. (n.d.). Table 11-10-0222-01: Household spending, Canada, regions and provinces. Retrieved July 3, 2018 from