Contains reports on Canadian industries. The industry reports include industry performance, outlook, product, markets, competitive landscape, major companies, and operating conditions.
Contains Canadian and international company and industry reports on consumer goods and services. (Note for Mac users: there are known issues if you access the portal with Firefox. Please use a different browser.)
Contains statistics, charts, tables, and public opinion polls on marketing, demographics, consumers, communication, technology, politics, health, and leisure.
Looking for images to use in your presentations or assignments? Here are some resources where you can search for royalty-free images with a Creative Commons License:
Flickr is an online image hosting service that provides access to tens of billions of images.
When you search for images, choose "All creative commons" as your license type. You can also limit your search by dominant colour, orientation, size, and other stylistic choices.
To filter your Google image search results, choose TOOLS > USAGE RIGHTS > LABELLED FOR REUSE.
You can also limit your results by size, colour and image type.
Pixabay is another great resource for royalty-free high-resolution images. PLEASE NOTE: Avoid the top row of results in your searches - these are images from a stock photograph supplier, Shutterstock. These images are thumbnails for paid resources and contain a watermark. Anything below the top row of results will be free images with Creative Commons licenses.