Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles on criminal justice subjects including criminology, forensic sciences, corrections, policing, criminal law, and investigation.
Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, eBooks, newspapers, and magazines related to Indigenous culture, health, and human geography in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, North America and The Pacific.
Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles on social sciences and humanities, health sciences, life and biomedical sciences, and material sciences and engineering.
Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, encyclopedia articles, practice guidelines, and more on the physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
Contains peer-reviewed and other academic journal articles, eBooks, magazines, and conference papers on sociology, including gender studies, criminal justice, racial studies, religion, and social work.
Contains articles from national and local Canadian newspapers. Includes The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the National Post, and the Vancouver Sun, among others.
Contains national and local U.S. newspapers. Features The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.
Contains international and domestic newspapers, magazines, and trade journals, company financial information, industry and market news, legal resources, medical news, abstracts, and country profiles.
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